
Hi, I’m stue. I am a lead software engineer, techie and content creator.

I’m currently working on a number of projects, such as @KOPSPN and Find My Rotary, in an effort to improve my quality of life, leave something for the future grandkids of my children, while also having fun and making a positive impact on the world 🌍

I love writing about technology, cars and everything that I am learning. You can read every single article I’ve ever written on my blog, which covers a wide range of subjects that interest me.

In addition, I publish Inside Stue’s Brain, a newsletter on the internet, where I discuss everything interesting and helpful I find throughout my time on the internet. Please feel free to sign up using the form below to receive new editions as soon as they are released.

About the site

I have drawn a lot of inspiration from various sites to have my own version but I also want to use this section to give credit to the work of so many creative people